Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ac augue imperdiet, gravida odio a, elementum enim. Integer vitae venenatis tellus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut ut pretium quam. Aenean non tellus id risus fermentum laoreet et et nibh. Fusce convallis sit amet diam at facilisis. Pellentesque porta ultrices laoreet. Pellentesque sit amet justo viverra enim semper mollis.
Phasellus efficitur volutpat lacus iaculis vestibulum. Nam felis nunc, sagittis vel aliquam eget, pharetra sit amet justo. Mauris lacus est, ornare ac felis eu, sodales condimentum turpis. In feugiat bibendum odio nec sollicitudin. Nullam et neque eu dolor ornare rhoncus ut et dui. Sed feugiat sit amet enim ornare pulvinar. Suspendisse vel laoreet ante, quis gravida dolor. Sed cursus faucibus convallis. Sed nec magna nisl. Praesent imperdiet pellentesque urna, non malesuada enim viverra id. Quisque vehicula faucibus elit ac porttitor. Donec ut porta nisi. Nullam at urna turpis.
Vestibulum cursus tempus libero auctor placerat. Morbi condimentum risus ipsum, quis ullamcorper justo mollis sit amet. In pellentesque nisl vitae finibus elementum. Maecenas tempus risus non nunc venenatis tempor. Praesent eros augue, rhoncus a dignissim eu, placerat ac mauris. Phasellus eu volutpat turpis, commodo dictum libero. Nam et tortor eleifend, tempor mauris id, vestibulum sapien. Phasellus ac sem quis magna viverra sodales eu accumsan nulla.
Love & Family Foundation loves family, whether in the context of a single-parent household or two-parents household, we are committed to strengthening the bond within and the healthy development of the family. We consistently hold workshops to promote the communication skills within the household. Remember it takes a village, you are not alone and shouldn’t feel overwhelmed, contact us to find out how we can help.
Child Abuse
Child Sexual Abuse is the inappropriate exposure of a child to sexual material, contact, activity or behavior. Any sexual act directed to a child by an adult or by an older or more powerful child, meaning all sexual touching between an adult and a child is sexual abuse.
Sexual abuse does not have to involve penetration, force, pain, or even touching. If an adult engages in any sexual behavior with a child to meet the adult’s interest or sexual needs, it is sexual abuse. This includes the manufacture, distribution and viewing of child pornography.
Experts report that 95% of Child Sexual Abuse cases go unreported. Most often child sexual abuse is a gradual process and not a single event. A child who is the victim of prolonged sexual abuse usually develops low self-esteem, a feeling of worthlessness and an abnormal or distorted view of sex. Children who do not live with both parents as well as children living in homes marked by parental discord, divorce, or domestic violence, have a higher risk of being sexually abused.
Must Protect
Adults who care for children can act to stop sexual abuse. By learning the early warning signs and how to effectively step in and speak up, sexual abuse can be stopped before it starts and a child is harmed. Adults must take the primary responsibility for preventing child sexual abuse by addressing any concerning or questionable behavior which may pose a risk to a child’s safety.
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